Greetings! Bienvenido! Ola!
We have one week left before we depart for Santa Elena, Mexico. While we are in Mexico we will keep this blog to share our reflections and activities. Below is a description of Visions, our project, and what we hope to accomplish.
Visions: Action Research Projects in Durham Public Schools
Sponsored by Duke University’s Office of Durham & Regional Affairs and The Consortium for Latin American & Caribbean Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill & Duke University
Visions is a leadership development program that engages twelve DPS teachers (elementary, middle and high schools) in action-research projects designed to systematically investigate an issue that addresses classroom and/or school practices to increase Hispanic student achievement. Teachers will publish research in peer-reviewed journals, present findings at local and regional seminars, and engage school staff in implementing research recommendations.
Teacher participants will attend six, three-hour pre-trip workshops, language study, a nine day tour to Santa Elena, Mexico (June 18 - 27, 2011) and two, three-hour post trip workshops. Teachers will be able to earn Continuing Education credits based on the content of the workshops.
By engaging participants in improving their practice through action research, participants will develop a deeper understanding of the challenges Hispanic/Latino students and families face within the education system; participants will share their gained knowledge of issues and solutions with the academic community. Participants will work in small groups to identify a research question that addresses a challenge, gather qualitative and quantitative data, and identify opportunities to improve the academic achievement of Hispanic/Latino students through changes to pedagogical practices and policies.
VISIONS will engage participants in improving their practice through action research.
VISIONS will create a teacher/community forum that will provide an interactive, supportive network for teachers to collaborate, share ideas and create a cohesive voice to present projects and initiatives intended to improve Latino student achievement.
VISIONS will enhance and create stronger school/community partnerships with organizations and groups that work towards improving Latino student academic achievement.
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